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Martin Luther King, Jr
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 16
§ 329. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission. 1. A state commission is
hereby created to develop, promote, coordinate and review plans and
activities statewide for the annual commemoration and celebration of the
birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in accordance with chapter fifty
of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-five.

2. The commission shall develop a plan for the commemoration and
celebration of the third Monday in January of each year, the official
state holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The commission shall,
among other things exercise the following powers and duties:

(a) develop and submit to the governor and the legislature
recommendations for specific commemorative activities to be undertaken
by the state on the third Monday of January of each year celebrating the
birthdate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.;

(b) coordinate state plans and activities with federal plans and
activities for the commemoration and celebration of Dr. King's birthday;

(c) develop, with other agencies of the state, an interpretive program
which explores the historical, social, political and cultural themes
associated with the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.;

(d) develop interpretive materials and publications on the
significance of Dr. King's work and develop a commemorative program for
state employees, school children and the general public;

(e) create a process to facilitate the implementation of the master
plan project and other recommendations made by the commission;

(f) prepare and provide to the general public advice, assistance and
information on the holiday activities recommended by the commission; and

(g) make other studies, reports and recommendations to the governor
and the legislature as are necessary with respect to activities for the
continued commemoration and celebration of Dr. King.

3. The commission shall consist of at least forty members, to be
appointed as follows: a fifteen member board of directors appointed by
the governor; one of whom shall be appointed upon the recommendation of
the temporary president of the senate, one of whom shall be appointed
upon the recommendation of the minority leader of the senate, one of
whom shall be appointed upon the recommendations of the speaker of the
assembly, and one of whom shall be appointed upon the recommendation of
the minority leader of the assembly; the commissioners of the department
of labor, the department of education, the office of general services
and the division of human rights and the chairman of the council for the
arts, each of whom may appoint a deputy to represent them on the
commission; and the remaining general members to be appointed by
executive order.

4. The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for
their services, however, those members who are not state officers or
employees shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred
in the performance of their duties. The board of directors shall select
a commission chairman from the members of such board.

5. The commission shall make a report to the governor and legislature
of its findings, conclusions, proposals and recommendations for the
observance of the January twentieth, nineteen hundred eighty-six,
birthday commemoration within ninety days of the effective date of this
section and, not later than December first, annually thereafter on its
findings, conclusions, proposals and recommendations and shall submit
with its reports such legislative proposals as it deems necessary to
implement its proposals and recommendations.

6. All state agencies are hereby authorized and directed to provide
assistance and available resources, as requested by the commission, in
order to effectuate the purposes of this section.