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Local highway safety programs
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 16-A
§ 333. Local highway safety programs. 1. The governor or his designee
is hereby empowered to promulgate rules and regulations establishing
standards and procedures relating to the content, coordination,
submission and approval of local highway safety programs. Such rules and
regulations may include, but need not be limited to, requirements in the
following areas of highway safety:

(a) traffic engineering and control;

(b) traffic enforcement;

(c) emergency medical care;

(d) investigation and surveillance of accident locations; and

(e) highway safety education.

2. To qualify for receipt of federal funds, each political subdivision

(a) If a city or town, appoint, and such political subdivisions are
hereby authorized to so appoint, a highway safety committee to
coordinate local highway safety efforts. The chairman of such committee
shall be responsible for coordinating the local highway safety program
with the state program in the manner required by the rules and
regulations of the governor or his designee.

(b) If a county, establish a county traffic safety board as authorized
by article forty-three of the vehicle and traffic law. The chairman of
such board shall be responsible for coordinating the local highway
safety program with the state program in the manner required by the
rules and regulations of the governor or his designee.

(c) If any combination of a city, town or county having at least one
common boundary, appoint, and such political subdivisions are hereby
authorized to so appoint, a regional highway safety committee to
coordinate regional highway safety efforts. Such committee shall consist
of at least one member from each participating city, town or county. The
chairman of such committee shall be responsible for coordinating the
regional highway safety program with the state program in the manner
required by the rules and regulations of the governor or his designee.

(d) Submit to the governor or his designee a local highway safety
program in accordance with and meeting the standards established by
rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to subdivision one of this

(e) Submit to the governor or his designee such other information as
may be required to carry out the purposes of this article.