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This entry was published on 2015-08-21
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Display of prisoner of war and missing in action flag
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19
§ 403-a. Display of prisoner of war and missing in action flag. 1.
Every county outside the city of New York, city, town, and village is
encouraged to display the prisoner of war and missing in action flag at
the building housing its local legislative body on all days on which the
flag of the United States of America is displayed. Every county outside
the city of New York, and every city, town, and village shall fly an
official National League of Families POW/MIA flag, as designated by 36
U.S.C. 902 at the building housing its local legislative body if a
congressionally chartered veterans organization including any post,
chapter, detachment unit, auxiliary unit or society of such veterans
organization has provided the county, city, town, or village with such
flag and, upon such municipality's request, any necessary attachments or
fasteners required to enable the flag to be visible to the public, on
the following days: Armed Forces Day, the third Saturday in May;
Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Flag Day, the second Sunday in
June; Independence Day, July 4; National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the
third Friday in September except if such date of commemoration cannot be
observed due to a religious holiday, such observances shall then be
conducted on the second Friday in September and Veterans Day, November

2. Every state police facility, including but not limited to the
headquarters, substations, and training academy, is encouraged to
display the prisoner of war and missing in action flag on all days on
which the flag of the United States of America is displayed.