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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Conduct and scope of investigations
§ 523-i. Conduct and scope of investigations. The office of the
ombudsman may investigate grievances and complaints pertaining to youth
residing in facilities operated by the office brought to the attention
of the office of the ombudsman from any source, and may in pursuing its
investigation visit any facility operated by the office at any time,
without prior notice. Facility directors and facility staff shall
cooperate with the investigation. At an ombudsman's request, the staff
of a facility shall inform the residents of the ombudsman's availability
on site or on premises. An ombudsman shall have access to any resident
on request, and the facility shall provide a suitable room, if so
requested, for private counseling. An ombudsman shall have the right to
inspect the facility, visit all areas and observe all parts and aspects
of the facility program. An ombudsman shall interview facility staff
during regular hours of employment whenever feasible. An ombudsman shall
have access to all books, records, logs, reports, memoranda and any and
all other materials or written documents pertaining to office facilities
in the possession of the office, or its facilities. An ombudsman may
copy or make reference to any such report, document, memorandum, log
entry or other material or written document and, unless such item is
confidential pursuant to statute, may include a copy in his or her
report. Consistent with applicable laws and regulations, the
confidentiality of records and documents obtained must be maintained by
the office of the ombudsman.