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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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New facility operation agreements
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-G, TITLE 3-A
§ 527-e. New facility operation agreements. 1. The division is hereby
authorized to enter into new facility operation agreements with
not-for-profit corporations. Such agreements shall provide for the
operation of a program by a not-for-profit corporation at a youth center
constructed by or on behalf of the division and to which the state holds
title. Any not-for-profit corporation which seeks to operate such a
program shall submit an application to the division in the manner
provided for in this title. In addition to any other requirements
imposed pursuant to section five hundred twenty-seven-g of this title,
any such agreement shall provide that the lease from the state to the
not-for-profit corporation shall provide that, in lieu of any periodic
rental or lease payment for use of the facility, the not-for-profit
corporation shall continue to operate the program as approved for a
period of time as approved by the division (not exceeding thirty years)
and that the responsibility for the general maintenance and operation of
the facility shall be the responsibility of the not-for-profit

2. At the request of a municipality, the division may enter into a new
facility operation agreement wherein the municipality operates a program
at a youth center constructed by or on behalf of the division and to
which the state holds title, or such program is operated by a
not-for-profit corporation, pursuant to a contract with the division or
a municipality.