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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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General and administrative provisions
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-G, TITLE 3-A
§ 527-i. General and administrative provisions. 1. The division shall
provide for the review, at least annually, of the performance of
approved eligible applicants pursuant to this title. Such review shall,
among other things, be for the purposes of ascertaining conformity to
contractual provisions and the financial condition of the youth center
as it relates to its ability to comply with the requirements of this

2. No youth center shall be sited, constructed, reconstructed,
rehabilitated, altered or improved pursuant to a grant or award made
pursuant to this title, except in compliance with the requirements of
local laws, ordinances, codes, charters or regulations applicable to
such siting, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, alteration or