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Longshore workers' register
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
* § 534-i. Longshore workers' register. 1. The commission shall
maintain a longshore workers' register in which shall be included all
qualified longshore workers eligible, as provided, for employment as
such in the port of New York district in this state. No person shall act
as a longshore worker within the port of New York district in this state
unless at the time such person is included in the longshore workers'
register, and no person shall employ another to work as a longshore
worker within the port of New York district in this state unless at the
time such other person is included in the longshore workers' register.

2. Any person applying for inclusion in the longshore workers'
register shall file at such place and in such manner as the commission
shall designate a written statement, signed and verified by such person,
setting forth the person's full name, residence address, social security
number, and such further facts and evidence as the commission may
prescribe to establish the identity of such person and the person's
criminal record, if any.

3. The commission may in its discretion deny application for inclusion
in the longshore workers' register by a person:

(a) Who has been convicted by a court of the United States or any
state or territory thereof, without subsequent pardon, of treason,
murder, manslaughter or of any crime punishable by death or imprisonment
for a term exceeding three hundred sixty-four days or of any of the
misdemeanors or offenses described in paragraph (b) of subdivision three
of section five hundred thirty-four-f of this article or of attempt or
conspiracy to commit any of such crimes;

(b) Who knowingly or willingly advocates the desirability of
overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States by force
or violence or who shall be a member of a group which advocates such
desirability knowing the purposes of such group include such advocacy;

(c) Whose presence at the piers or other waterfront terminals in the
port of New York district in this state is found by the commission on
the basis of the facts and evidence before it, to constitute a danger to
the public peace or safety.

4. Unless the commission shall determine to exclude the applicant from
the longshore workers' register on a ground set forth in subdivision
three of this section it shall include such person in the longshore
workers' register. The commission shall issue a determination within
thirty days of receipt of the application provided, however, that this
time requirement shall not apply for any period of delay caused or
requested by the applicant. If the commission cannot make a
determination within that time, it shall notify the applicant that the
application is still under review. The commission may permit temporary
registration of any applicant under the provisions of this section
pending final action on an application made for such registration. Any
such temporary registration shall be valid for a period not in excess of
six months.

5. The commission shall have power to reprimand any longshore worker
registered under this section or to remove that person from the
longshore workers' register for such period as it deems in the public
interest for any of the following offenses:

(a) Conviction of a crime or other cause which would permit
disqualification of such person from inclusion in the longshore workers'
register upon original application;

(b) Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in securing inclusion in the
longshore workers' register;

(c) Transfer or surrender of possession to any person either
temporarily or permanently of any card or other means of identification
issued by the commission as evidence of inclusion in the longshore
workers' register, without satisfactory explanation;

(d) False impersonation of another longshore worker registered under
this section or of another person licensed under this act;

(e) Willful commission of or willful attempt to commit at or on a
waterfront terminal or adjacent highway any act of physical injury to
any other person or of willful damage to or misappropriation of any
other person's property, unless justified or excused by law; and

(f) Any other offense described in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), and (f)
of subdivision seven of section five hundred thirty-four-f of this

6. Whenever, as a result of legislative amendments to this act or of a
ruling by the commission, registration as a longshore worker is required
for any person to continue employment, such person shall be registered
as a longshore worker without regard to the provisions of section five
hundred thirty-four-l of this article, provided, however, that such
person satisfies all the other requirements of this act for registration
as a longshore worker.

7. The commission shall have the right to recover possession of any
card or other means of identification issued as evidence of inclusion in
the longshore workers' register if the holder thereof has been removed
from the longshore workers' register.

8. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to limit in
any way any rights of labor reserved by section five hundred
thirty-four-q of this article.

* NB Effective June 30, 2024