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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Payment of assessment
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
* § 534-x. Payment of assessment. 1. Every person subject to the
payment of any assessment under the provisions of section five hundred
thirty-four-w of this article shall file on or before the fifteenth day
of the first month of each calendar quarter-year a separate return,
together with the payment of the assessment due, for the preceding
calendar quarter-year during which any payroll payments were made to
longshore workers, pier superintendents, hiring agents or security
officers for work performed as such within the port of New York district
in this state. Returns covering the amount of assessment payable shall
be filed with the commission on forms to be furnished for such purpose
and shall contain such data, information or matter as the commission may
require to be included therein. The commission may grant a reasonable
extension of time for filing returns, or for the payment of assessment,
whenever good cause exists. Every return shall have annexed thereto a
certification to the effect that the statements contained therein are

2. Every person subject to the payment of assessment hereunder shall
keep an accurate record of that person's employment of longshore
workers, pier superintendents, hiring agents or security officers, which
shall show the amount of compensation paid and such other information as
the commission may require. Such records shall be preserved for a period
of three years and be open for inspection at reasonable times. The
commission may consent to the destruction of any such records at any
time after said period or may require that they be kept longer, but not
in excess of six years.

3. (a) The commission shall audit and determine the amount of
assessment due from the return filed and such other information as is
available to it. Whenever a deficiency in payment of the assessment is
determined the commission shall give notice of any such determination to
the person liable therefor. Such determination shall finally and
conclusively fix the amount due, unless the person against whom it is
assessed shall, within thirty days after the giving of notice of such
determination, apply in writing to the commission for a hearing, or
unless the commission on its own motion shall reduce the same. After
such hearing, the commission shall give notice of its decision to the
person liable therefor. A determination of the commission under this
section shall be subject to judicial review, if application for such
review is made within thirty days after the giving of notice of such
decision. Any determination under this section shall be made within five
years from the time the return was filed and if no return was filed such
determination may be made at any time.

(b) Any notice authorized or required under this section may be given
by mailing the same to the person for whom it is intended at the last
address given by that person to the commission, or in the last return
filed by that person with the commission under this section, or, if no
return has been filed then to such address as may be obtainable. The
mailing of such notice shall be presumptive evidence of the receipt of
same by the person to whom addressed. Any period of time, which is
determined according to the provisions of this section, for the giving
of notice shall commence to run from the date of mailing of such notice.

4. Whenever any person shall fail to pay, within the time limited
herein, any assessment which the person is required to pay to the
commission under the provisions of this section the commission may
enforce payment of such fee by civil action for the amount of such
assessment with interest and penalties.

5. The employment by a nonresident of a longshore worker, or a
licensed pier superintendent, hiring agent or security officer in this
state or the designation by a nonresident of a longshore worker, pier
superintendent, hiring agent or security officer to perform work in this
state shall be deemed equivalent to an appointment by such nonresident
of the secretary of state to be the nonresident's true and lawful
attorney upon whom may be served the process in any action or proceeding
against the nonresident growing out of any liability for assessments,
penalties or interest, and a consent that any such process against the
nonresident which is so served shall be of the same legal force and
validity as if served personally within the state and within the
territorial jurisdiction of the court from which the process issues.
Service of process within this state shall be made by either:

(a) personally delivering to and leaving with the secretary of state
duplicate copies thereof at the office of the department of state, in
which event the secretary of state shall forthwith send by registered
mail one of such copies to the person at the last address designated by
the person to the commission for any purpose under this section or in
the last return filed by the person under this section with the
commission or as shown on the records of the commission, or if no return
has been filed, at the person's last known office address within or
outside of the state; or

(b) personally delivering to and leaving with the secretary of state a
copy thereof at the office of the department of state and by delivering
a copy thereof to the person, personally outside of the state. Proof of
such personal service outside of the state shall be filed with the clerk
of the court in which the process is pending within thirty days after
such service and such service shall be complete ten days after proof
thereof is filed.

6. Whenever the commission shall determine that any moneys received as
assessments were paid in error, it may cause the same to be refunded,
provided an application therefor is filed with the commission within two
years from the time the erroneous payment was made.

7. In addition to any other powers authorized hereunder, the
commission shall have power to promulgate reasonable rules and
regulations to effectuate the purposes of this section.

8. Any person who shall willfully fail to pay any assessment due
hereunder, shall be assessed interest at a rate of one percent per month
on the amount due and unpaid and penalties of five percent of the amount
due for each thirty days or part thereof that the assessment remains
unpaid. The commission, may, for good cause shown, abate all or part of
such penalty.

9. Any person who shall willfully furnish false or fraudulent
information or shall willfully fail to furnish pertinent information, as
required, with respect to the amount of assessment due, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand
dollars, or imprisonment for not more than three hundred sixty-four
days, or both.

10. All funds of the commission received as payment of any assessment
or penalty under this section shall be deposited with the comptroller.
The comptroller may require that all such deposits be secured by
obligations of the United States or of the state of New York of a market
value equal at all times to the amount of the deposits, and all banks
and trust companies are authorized to give such security for such

11. The commission shall reimburse the state for any funds advanced to
the commission exclusive of sums appropriated pursuant to section five
hundred thirty-four-w of this article.

* NB Effective June 30, 2024