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This entry was published on 2019-07-05
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Emergency awards
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 22
§ 630. Emergency awards. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section
six hundred twenty-seven of this article, if it appears to the office,
that such claim is one with respect to which an award probably will be
made, and undue hardship will result to the claimant if immediate
payment is not made, the office may make one or more emergency awards to
the claimant pending a final decision of the office or payment of an
award in the case, provided, however, that the total amount of such
emergency awards shall not exceed twenty-five hundred dollars. The
amount of such emergency awards shall be deducted from any final award
made to the claimant, and the excess of the amount of any such emergency
award over the amount of the final award, or the full amount of any
emergency awards if no final award is made, shall be repaid by the
claimant to the office.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section,
if the crime upon which the claim is based resulted in the death of the
victim, and it appears to the office that such claim is one with respect
to which an award probably will be made, and undue hardship will result
to the claimant if immediate payment is not made, the office may make
one or more emergency awards to the claimant for reasonable burial
expenses pending a final decision of the office or payment of an award
in the case; provided, however, that the total amount of an emergency
award or awards for reasonable burial expenses shall not exceed three
thousand dollars. The amount of such emergency award or awards shall be
deducted from any final award made to the claimant, and the excess of
the amount of any such award or awards over the amount of the final
award, of the full amount of an emergency award or awards if no final
award is made, shall be repaid by the claimant to the office.