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This entry was published on 2017-03-17
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Search for sex offense conviction records of emergency medical technician and other first responder applicants
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 35
§ 837-s. Search for sex offense conviction records of emergency
medical technician and other first responder applicants. 1. The chief
officer of any volunteer ambulance company, as such term is defined in
subdivision two of section three of the volunteer ambulance workers'
benefit law, any proprietary ambulance service, or any other ambulance
or emergency medical service providing emergency medical care and
transportation of sick or injured persons to health care facilities,
shall notify every new applicant for emergency medical technician,
paramedic, certified first responder applicant, or any other applicant
who would be responsible for providing emergency medical care and
transportation of sick or injured persons to health care facilities,
including applicants seeking to transfer from one ambulance company or
service to another, that their personally identifying information will
be checked against the public records of those individuals required to
register under article six-C of the correction law.

2. If such applicant desires to proceed, within ten business days of
receiving an application, the chief officer shall inquire of the
division as to whether such applicant is required to register by calling
the special telephone number established pursuant to section one hundred
sixty-eight-p of the correction law. Such chief officer may also check
the internet posting subdirectory of level two and three sex offenders
established pursuant to section one hundred sixty-eight-q of the
correction law.

3. Where such search reveals that an applicant is registered under
article six-C of the correction law, the chief officer of the ambulance
company or service shall determine whether or not such person shall be
eligible to be elected or otherwise appointed as a member of such
ambulance company or service. Such determination shall be made
consistent with article twenty-three-A of the correction law and a copy
of such article shall be provided to the applicant.