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Business permit assistance in empire zones
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 39
* § 889-a. Business permit assistance in empire zones. (a) Upon the
designation of an empire zone pursuant to article eighteen-B of the
general municipal law, the office, by and through the director or his
duly authorized officers and employees, shall establish a business
permit assistance program to provide in such empire zone the business
permit assistance services authorized in this article. Such program
shall enable an applicant for a permit for a business undertaking,
project or activity in an empire zone to confer with the office to
obtain on-site assistance in the empire zone in the prompt and efficient
processing and review of applications for such permits.

(b) In providing such on-site permit assistance, the director may
designate one or more officers or employees of the office to act as
permit assistance managers to fulfill, with respect to empire zones, the
purposes set forth in subdivision two of section eight hundred
eighty-four of this article.

(c) The director may request and shall receive the assistance of any
state agency having jurisdiction over any business permits to be issued
in an empire zone in designating an officer or employee of such agency
to coordinate agency efforts in cooperation with the office in providing
a business permit assistance program for such empire zone.

(d) Any state agency having jurisdiction of any business permits to be
issued in an empire zone shall, to the maximum extent feasible,
establish procedures to expedite applications for business permits in an
empire zone.

(e) To the extent provided for in any agreement between the office and
a county, city, town or village, as authorized by article eighteen-B of
the general municipal law, the office may provide a business permit
assistance program to applicants for permits required by such county,
city, town or village for a business undertaking, project or activity in
an empire zone.

* NB Authority of office terminated per § 893 December 31, 1995