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Financial assistance
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 42
§ 918. Financial assistance. 1. The secretary may enter into a
contract or contracts for grants or payments to be made, within the
limits of any appropriations therefor, for the following:

a. To any local governments, or to two or more local governments, for
projects approved by the secretary which lead to preparation of a
waterfront revitalization program; provided, however, that such grants
or payments shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the approved cost
of such projects provided, however, in environmental justice
communities, such assistance payments and/or technical assistance shall
not exceed eighty-five percent of the cost of the program;

b. To any local government or local government agency for research,
design, and other activities which serve to facilitate construction
projects provided for in an approved waterfront revitalization program;
provided, however, that such projects shall take into account the future
physical climate risk due to sea level rise, and/or storm surges and/or
flooding, based on available data predicting the likelihood of future
extreme weather events including hazard risk analysis data if applicable
and provided, further, that such grants or payments shall not exceed ten
percent of the estimated cost of such construction project.

2. Funds available for the purposes of this section shall be allocated
in a fair and equitable manner; such allocation shall reflect the
initiative shown by local governments in preparing waterfront
revitalization programs and in carrying them out.