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This entry was published on 2016-11-18
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Placement of siblings; contact with siblings
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 10, PART 2
§ 1027-a. Placement of siblings; contact with siblings. (a) When a
social services official removes a child pursuant to this part, such
official shall place such child with his or her minor siblings or
half-siblings who have been or are being remanded to or placed in the
care and custody of such official unless, in the judgment of such
official, such placement is contrary to the best interests of the
children. Placement with siblings or half-siblings shall be
presumptively in the child's best interests unless such placement would
be contrary to the child's health, safety, or welfare. If such placement
is not immediately available at the time of the removal of the child,
such official shall provide or arrange for the provision of such
placement within thirty days.

(b) If placement of a child removed pursuant to this part together
with his or her minor siblings is not in the best interests of the
child, the social services official shall arrange appropriate and
regular contact by the child with his or her minor siblings and
half-siblings unless such contact would not be in the child's and the
siblings' best interests.

(c) If a child removed pursuant to this part is not placed together or
afforded regular contact with his or her siblings, the child, through
his or her attorney or through a parent on his or her behalf, may move
for an order regarding placement or contact. The motion shall be served
upon: (i) the respondent in the proceeding under this article; (ii) the
local social services official having the care of the child; (iii) other
persons having care, custody and control of the child, if any; (iv) the
parents or other persons having care, custody and control of the
siblings to be visited or with whom contact is sought; (v) any
non-respondent parent in the proceeding under this article; (vi) such
sibling himself or herself if ten years of age or older; and (vii) such
sibling's attorney, if any. For purposes of this section, "siblings"
shall include half-siblings and those who would be deemed siblings or
half-siblings but for the termination of parental rights or death of a
parent. The court may order that the child be placed together with or
have regular contact with his or her siblings if the court determines it
to be in the best interests of the child and his or her siblings.