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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Duration of orders affecting visitation rights
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 10, PART 8
§ 1083. Duration of orders affecting visitation rights. 1. Where an
order of the court has been made incorporating an order, judgment or
agreement conferring visitation rights with a child on a non-custodial
parent or grandparent into a dispositional order under this article, or
where the court otherwise orders compliance by a person, official,
agency or institution caring for the child, with an order, judgment or
agreement granting visitation rights, such order shall remain in effect
for the length of time the child remains in such care pursuant to this
article, unless such order is subsequently modified by the court for
good cause shown.

2. Where the court makes an order denying a petition seeking
enforcement of visitation rights or makes an order modifying visitation
rights, pursuant to the provisions of section one thousand eighty-two of
this part, such order shall remain in effect for the length of time the
child is placed with a person, official, agency or institution caring
for the child pursuant to this article, unless such order is
subsequently modified by the court for good cause shown.