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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Probation service
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 2, PART 5
§ 252. Probation service. (a) The family court in each county shall
have a probation service. This service may include volunteer probation
officers when necessary, provided they have the qualifications required
of salaried officers, but no such volunteer probation officer shall be a
chief probation officer or receive pay from public funds for his

(b) The methods, organization, and responsibilities of the probation
service shall be defined by rule of court, which shall not be
inconsistent with any provision of law.

(c) When there is a sufficient number of probation officers of the
same religious faith as that of a child to be placed on probation, the
child shall be placed on probation with a probation officer of the same
religious faith as that of the child.

(d) The probation service shall be available to assist the court and
participate in all proceedings under this act, including supervision of
the family or individual family members pending final disposition of a
child protection proceeding under article ten.