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Discovery; definition of terms
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 3
§ 331.1. Discovery; definition of terms. The following definitions are
applicable to this section and sections 331.2 through 331.7.

1. "Demand to produce" means a written notice served by and on a
party, without leave of the court, demanding to inspect property
pursuant to section 331.2 or 331.3 and giving reasonable notice of the
time at which the demanding party wishes to inspect the property

2. "Attorneys' work product" means property to the extent that it
contains the opinions, theories or conclusions of the presentment
agency, counsel for the respondent or members of their staffs.

3. "Property" means any existing tangible personal or real property,
including but not limited to, books, records, reports, memoranda,
papers, photographs, tapes or other electronic recordings, articles of
clothing, fingerprints, blood samples, fingernail scrapings or
handwriting specimens, but excluding attorneys' work product.

4. "Co-respondent" means a person whose name appears in the petition
pursuant to paragraph (i) of subdivision three of section 311.1.