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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Pre-trial motions; definition
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 3
§ 332.1. Pre-trial motions; definition. "Pre-trial motion" as used in
this article means any motion by a respondent which seeks an order of
the court:

1. transferring a proceeding pursuant to section 302.3; or

2. granting a separate fact-finding hearing pursuant to section 311.3;

3. granting separate fact-finding hearings or consolidating petitions
pursuant to section 311.6; or

4. dismissing a petition pursuant to section 315.1; or

5. granting a bill of particulars pursuant to section 330.1; or

6. granting discovery pursuant to section 331.3; or

7. suppressing the use at the fact-finding hearing of any evidence
pursuant to section 330.2; or

8. dismissing a petition, or any count thereof, on the ground that the
respondent has been denied a speedy fact-finding hearing contrary to
section 310.2; or

9. dismissing a petition, or any count thereof, on the ground that the
proceeding is untimely, pursuant to section 302.2; or

10. dismissing a petition, or any count thereof, on the ground that
the proceeding is barred in accordance with the laws applicable pursuant
to section 303.2.