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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Notice of defense of mental disease or defect
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 3
§ 335.1. Notice of defense of mental disease or defect. Evidence of
mental disease or defect of the respondent excluding his responsibility
under this article is not admissible at the fact-finding hearing unless
the respondent serves upon the presentment agency and files with the
court a written notice of intention to rely upon such defense. Such
notice must be served and filed before the fact-finding hearing and not
more than thirty days after the conclusion of the initial appearance,
whichever is sooner. In the interest of justice and for good cause
shown, however, the court may permit such service and filing to be made
at any later time prior to the conclusion of the fact-finding hearing.