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Order of protection
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 5
§ 352.3. Order of protection. (1) Upon the issuance of an order
pursuant to section 315.3 or the entry of an order of disposition
pursuant to section 352.2, a court may enter an order of protection
against any respondent for good cause shown. The order may require that
the respondent: (a) stay away from the home, school, business or place
of employment of the victims of the alleged offense; or (b) refrain from
harassing, intimidating, threatening or otherwise interfering with the
victim or victims of the alleged offense and such members of the family
or household of such victim or victims as shall be specifically named by
the court in such order; or (c) refrain from intentionally injuring or
killing, without justification, any companion animal the respondent
knows to be owned, possessed, leased, kept or held by the person
protected by the order or a minor child residing in such person's
household; or (d) refrain from remotely controlling any connected
devices affecting the home, vehicle or property of the person protected
by the order. "Companion animal", as used in this subdivision, shall
have the same meaning as in subdivision five of section three hundred
fifty of the agriculture and markets law. "Connected device", as used in
this subdivision, shall mean any device, or other physical object that
is capable of connecting to the internet, directly or indirectly, and
that is assigned an internet protocol address or bluetooth address.

(1-a) Upon the issuance of an order pursuant to section 315.3 or the
entry of an order of disposition pursuant to section 352.2, a court may,
for good cause shown, enter an order of protection against any
respondent requiring that the respondent refrain from engaging in
conduct, against any designated witness specifically named by the court
in such order, that would constitute intimidation of a witness pursuant
to section 215.15, 215.16 or 215.17 of the penal law or an attempt
thereof, provided that the court makes a finding that the respondent did
previously, or is likely to in the future, intimidate or attempt to
intimidate such witness in such manner.

(2) An order of protection shall remain in effect for the period
specified by the court, but shall not exceed the period of time
specified in any order of disposition or order adjourning a proceeding
in contemplation of dismissal.