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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Duties of counsel
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 5
§ 354.2. Duties of counsel. 1. If the court has entered a
dispositional order pursuant to section 352.2, it shall be the duty of
the respondent's counsel to promptly advise such respondent and his or
her parent or other person responsible for his or her care in writing of
the right to appeal to the appropriate appellate division of the supreme
court, the time limitations involved, the manner of instituting an
appeal and obtaining a transcript of the testimony and the right to
apply for leave to appeal as a poor person if he or she is unable to pay
the cost of an appeal. It shall be the further duty of such counsel to
explain to the respondent and his or her parent or person responsible
for his or her care the procedures for instituting an appeal, the
possible reasons upon which an appeal may be based and the nature and
possible consequences of the appellate process.

2. It shall also be the duty of such counsel to ascertain whether the
respondent wishes to appeal and, if so, to serve and file the necessary
notice of appeal.

3. If the respondent has been permitted to waive the appointment of
counsel pursuant to section two hundred forty-nine-a, it shall be the
duty of the court to provide the notice and explanation pursuant to
subdivision one and, if the respondent indicates that he or she wishes
to appeal, the clerk of the court shall file and serve the notice of