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Motion procedures
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 5
§ 355.2. Motion procedures. 1. A motion for relief pursuant to section
355.1 must be in writing and must state the specific relief requested.
If the motion is based upon the existence or occurence of facts, the
motion papers must contain sworn allegations thereof; such sworn
allegations may be based upon personal knowledge of the affiant or upon
information and belief, provided that in the latter event the affidavit
must state the sources of such information and the grounds of such

2. Notice of such motion, including the court's own motion, shall be
served upon the respondent, the presentment agency and the commissioner
of social services or the division for youth having custody of the
respondent. Motions shall be noticed in accordance with the civil
practice law and rules.

3. Each party to the motion shall have the right to oral argument and
the court shall conduct a hearing to resolve any material question of

4. Regardless of whether a hearing is conducted, the court, upon
determining the motion, must set forth on the record its findings of
fact, its conclusions of law and the reasons for its determination.

5. If the motion is denied, a motion requesting the same or similar
relief cannot be filed for a period of ninety days after such denial,
unless the order of denial permits renewal at an earlier time.