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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Securing the attendance of witnesses; securing certain testimony
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 3, PART 7
§ 370.1. Securing the attendance of witnesses; securing certain
testimony. 1. The provisions of article six hundred twenty of the
criminal procedure law concerning the securing of attendance of
witnesses by material witness order shall apply to proceedings under
this article.

2. Article six hundred sixty, six hundred seventy and six hundred
eighty of the criminal procedure law concerning the securing of
testimony for use in a subsequent proceeding, the use of testimony given
in a previous proceeding and the examination of witness by commission
shall apply to proceedings under this article.

3. The provisions of the uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses
from without the state in criminal cases, as incorporated in article six
hundred forty of the criminal procedure law, shall apply to proceedings
under this article.