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This entry was published on 2021-02-19
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SECTION 581-304
Consent to assisted reproduction
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 5-C, PART 3
§ 581-304. Consent to assisted reproduction. (a) Where the intended
parent who gives birth to a child by means of assisted reproduction is a
spouse, the consent of both spouses to the assisted reproduction is
presumed and neither spouse may challenge the parentage of the child,
except as provided in section 581-305 of this part.

(b) Where the intended parent who gives birth to a child by means of
assisted reproduction is not a spouse, the consent to the assisted
reproduction must be in a record in such a manner as to indicate the
mutual agreement of the intended parents to conceive and parent a child

(c) The absence of a record described in subdivision (b) of this
section shall not preclude a finding that such consent existed if the
court finds by clear and convincing evidence that at the time of the
assisted reproduction the intended parents agreed to conceive and parent
the child together.