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This entry was published on 2021-02-19
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SECTION 581-502
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 5-C, PART 5
§ 581-502. Compensation. (a) Compensation may be paid to a donor or
person acting as surrogate based on medical risks, physical discomfort,
inconvenience and the responsibilities they are undertaking in
connection with their participation in the assisted reproduction. Under
no circumstances may compensation be paid to purchase gametes or embryos
or for the release of a parental interest in a child.

(b) The compensation, if any, paid to a donor or person acting as
surrogate must be reasonable and negotiated in good faith between the
parties, and said payments to a person acting as surrogate shall not
exceed the duration of the pregnancy and recuperative period of up to
eight weeks after the birth of any resulting children.

(c) Compensation may not be conditioned upon the purported quality or
genome-related traits of the gametes or embryos.

(d) Compensation may not be conditioned on actual genotypic or
phenotypic characteristics of the donor or of any resulting children.

(e) Compensation to an embryo donor shall be limited to storage fees,
transportation costs and attorneys' fees.