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This entry was published on 2019-03-15
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Diversion attempts
Family Court Act (FCT) CHAPTER 686, ARTICLE 7, PART 4
§ 742. Diversion attempts. (a) Whenever a petition is filed pursuant
to this article, the lead agency designated pursuant to section seven
hundred thirty-five of this article shall file a written report with the
court indicating any previous actions it has taken with respect to the

(b) At the initial appearance of the respondent, the court shall
review any termination of diversion services pursuant to such section,
and the documentation of diligent attempts to provide appropriate
services and determine whether such efforts or services provided are
sufficient. The court may, at any time, subject to the provisions of
section seven hundred forty-eight of this article, order that additional
diversion attempts be undertaken by the designated lead agency. The
court may order the youth and the parent or other person legally
responsible for the youth to participate in diversion services. If the
designated lead agency thereafter determines that a case referred for
diversion efforts under this section has been successfully resolved, it
shall so notify the court, and the court shall dismiss the petition.