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This entry was published on 2020-04-24
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Trampoline park employee training, equipment and supervision
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 12-C
§ 223. Trampoline park employee training, equipment and supervision.
An owner and/or operator shall:

1. ensure that during all hours of operation the trampoline park has
an operable automated external defibrillator;

2. ensure that all employees are certified in first aid and CPR;

3. ensure that all participants are instructed by an employee about
the potential risks and safety guidelines;

4. require that trampoline park employees monitor the trampoline court
and participants during all hours of operation;

5. ensure that the number of trampoline park employees described in
subdivision four of this section is adequate to view each area of the
trampoline court; and

6. prominently display throughout the trampoline park contrasted
safety, warning, advisory, and instructional signage reflecting the
trampoline park's rules as provided for in section two hundred
twenty-seven of this article.