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This entry was published on 2020-04-24
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General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 12-C
§ 225. Inspection. A trampoline park owner and/or operator shall:

1. ensure that an inspector conducts an inspection of the facilities
and records of the trampoline park at least once per calendar year to
certify compliance with:

(a) industry safety standards, including each category of standards
described in this article; and

(b) safety standards described in this article;

(c) proof that the trampoline court is maintained in good repair;

(d) an emergency response plan is in place and up-to-date;

(e) maintenance, inspection, staff member training, and up-to-date
injury logs; and

(f) an up-to-date insurance policy is in place; and

2. obtain from the inspector a written report documenting the
inspection and a certificate certifying that:

(a) the trampoline park has successfully passed the inspection
described in this section; and

(b) the trampoline park is in full compliance with this article.