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This entry was published on 2015-07-24
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General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 27
§ 408-a. Trainee. 1. Each applicant for a certificate of registration
as a trainee shall make an application which shall include the
physician's certificate required by paragraph e of subdivision one of
section four hundred six of this article, two recent photographs, and
such other information required by such section and in such form as the
secretary may prescribe.

2. A certificate of registration as a trainee shall be for a period of
one year, renewable for a second year, and may be renewed for additional
terms within the discretion of the secretary.

3. Each certificate of registration issued as provided in this section
shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the appearance enhancement
business in which the trainee is actually engaged in the practice of
nail specialty as a trainee.

4. The holder of a certificate of registration as a trainee shall not
be entitled to an appearance enhancement business license.