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This entry was published on 2024-02-09
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Sale of sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 38-B
§ 830. Sale of sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite. 1. No person,
corporation, partnership, limited liability company, firm or any other
business entity doing business within this state shall sell or offer for
sale sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite to any person under the age of
twenty-one. This restriction shall not apply to foods containing sodium
nitrate or sodium nitrite in compliance with the requirements of 9 CFR
Part 424 or 21 CFR Part 172.

2. Any person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
firm, or any other business entity doing business within the state
selling, offering for sale, or distributing sodium nitrate or sodium
nitrite, except as permitted by subdivision one of this section, shall
require proof of legal age prior to allowing an individual to purchase
or receive a shipment of sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite. Such
identification need not be required of any individual who reasonably
appears to be at least thirty years of age, provided, however, that such
appearance shall not constitute a defense in any proceeding alleging the
sale or distribution of sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite to an
individual under twenty-one years of age.

3. Any person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
firm or any other business entity that violates the provisions of this
section shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than two hundred
fifty dollars for an initial offense and not more than five hundred
dollars for the second and each subsequent offense, provided this
section shall not be construed to limit any other criminal or civil
liability such person, corporation, partnership, limited liability
company, firm or other business entity may be subject to under law.