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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Bills of lading; penalty for altering
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 11
§ 161. Bills of lading; penalty for altering. A person guilty of
altering with intent to defraud, any original bill of lading issued by
the person, firm or corporation by whom the coal was loaded into the
vessel in which such coal is transported to any city of the first or
second class, in this state, or of uttering any such bill of lading so
altered, or who is guilty of making, preparing or subscribing or
uttering a false or fraudulent manifest, invoice or bill of lading
thereof, or removing any part of such cargo of coal without having the
amount thereof certified to in writing on such original bill of lading,
by the person, firm or corporation receiving the coal so removed, and by
the captain of the vessel containing such cargo, is punishable by
imprisonment in a state prison, not exceeding three years, or by a fine
not exceeding one thousand dollars, or both, and the delivery of any
fraudulent bill of lading to any purchaser of coal shall be presumptive
evidence of uttering the same with criminal intent.