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Training stipend for volunteer firefighters
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 10
§ 200-aa. Training stipend for volunteer firefighters. 1. For purposes
of this section:

(a) "fire company" shall have the same meaning as defined in section
three of the volunteer firefighters' benefit law.

(b) "training stipend" means payment of a nominal fee to a volunteer
firefighter of a stipend for the completion of certain firefighter
training, as identified and published by the office of fire prevention
and control.

(c) "volunteer firefighter" shall have the same meaning as defined in
section three of the volunteer firefighters' benefit law.

2. The governing board of a city, town, village or fire district may,
by local law, ordinance or resolution, authorize a fire company to
provide training stipends to volunteer firefighters.

3. The office of fire prevention and control may make available state
funds through a training stipend to volunteer firefighters for
completion of certain firefighter training, as identified and published
by the office of fire prevention and control.

4. No volunteer firefighter may receive a training stipend from both a
volunteer fire company pursuant to subdivision two of this section and
the office of fire prevention and control pursuant to subdivision three
of this section for completion of the same firefighter training.

5. Any training stipend provided under this section shall not be
deemed remuneration or gratuity under the volunteer firefighters'
benefit law or any other provision of law and shall not interfere with
or impact the volunteer status of volunteer firefighters under the
volunteer firefighters' benefit law or any other provision of law.

6. The office of fire prevention and control shall promulgate rules
and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this section.