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This entry was published on 2019-01-11
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Temporary supplemental retirement allowances for certain police officers in towns and villages
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 10
§ 207-l. Temporary supplemental retirement allowances for certain
police officers in towns and villages. Notwithstanding the provisions of
any general, special or local law, charter or administrative code to the
contrary, a supplemental retirement allowance may be paid to pensioners
of a pension or retirement system of a paid police department of a town
or village who have retired prior to the calendar year nineteen hundred
seventy. Such supplemental retirement allowance shall be payable on the
basis provided for herein, commencing with a payment for the month of
October, nineteen hundred seventy-one and continuing through the month
of September, nineteen hundred seventy-three.

a. The supplemental retirement allowance provided for herein shall be
a percentage of the retirement allowance computed without optional
modification and shall be determined on the basis of the consumer price
index (all items--United States city average), published by the United
States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Said percentage shall be determined
in the manner set forth in this section. Said supplemental retirement
allowance shall be computed on the basis of the first eight thousand
dollars of such annual retirement allowance and shall be payable
commencing October first, nineteen hundred seventy-one, to all
disability pensioners, and to other pensioners who have attained age
sixty-two on or before September thirtieth, nineteen hundred
seventy-one, and commencing on April first, nineteen hundred
seventy-two, to such other pensioners who shall have attained age
sixty-two on or after October first, nineteen hundred seventy-one and on
or before September thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-two.

b. The percentage referred to in subdivision a hereof shall be
determined from the ratio of two indexes, in the following manner. The
average of the twelve monthly consumer price indexes of the calendar
year nineteen hundred sixty-nine, divided by the average of the twelve
monthly consumer price indexes of the calendar year of retirement shall
be the ratio of the indexes. Said ratio, minus one, shall be expressed
as a percentage and shall be adjusted to the lower one-tenth of one per
centum. Such adjusted percentage shall be the percentage of the
applicable portion of the retirement allowance, computed without
optional modification which shall be payable as a supplemental
retirement allowance. However, no such supplement shall be paid where
such percentage is less than three per centum. Such percentage for
pensioners who retired prior to April first, nineteen hundred
fifty-eight shall be increased by sixty per centum thereof and the
adjusted percentage shall be further adjusted to the lower one-tenth of
one per centum. Such percentage shall be computed by the actuary each
year and certified to the comptroller who shall, by directive,
promulgate a schedule of percentages to be used for this purpose.

c. The supplemental retirement allowance shall be rounded off to the
nearest dollar.

d. The benefits hereinabove provided for shall be in lieu of the
benefits presently provided by any other general, special or local law
unless such benefits are in excess of those provided by this section, in
which latter case such benefits shall be paid by the retirement system
pursuant to this section.

e. Contributions shall be made to such pension accumulation fund by,
or on account of, the municipality at a rate fixed by the actuary or if
there be no actuary then by the fiscal officer of the municipality,
which shall be computed to be sufficient to provide the benefits
established by this section which are payable during the period of time
that this section shall be in effect.

f. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to apply to members of the
state employees' retirement system.