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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Railroad commissioners to deliver to supervisor property
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 12
§ 228. Railroad commissioners to deliver to supervisor property.
Forthwith, upon the filing of such bond as aforesaid, the town clerk of
the town shall indorse upon copies of such bond to be provided by the
said supervisor, a certificate to the effect that the said bond has been
filed in the office of such town clerk, and said supervisor shall serve
such copies and certificate upon the railroad commissioners
respectively, and thereupon it shall be the duty of such railroad
commissioners to pay over to such supervisor all moneys remaining in
their hands as railroad commissioners of such town, and to deliver all
books, papers, securities and other property belonging to said town and
remaining in their hands as such commissioners unto the said supervisor,
and to take his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be to them a
proper and sufficient voucher. Immediately upon the delivery of said
moneys and property by the said railroad commissioners to the
supervisor, as aforesaid, and in the manner aforesaid, the office of
railroad commissioner of such town shall wholly cease, and the said
supervisor shall thereupon be invested with all the powers conferred
upon such railroad commissioners by the statute and proceedings under
and by which they were appointed, and shall be subject to all the duties
imposed upon such commissioners by such statute, and all securities and
evidences of debt transferred by said commissioners to said supervisor
as aforesaid, which by the terms thereof are payable to the said
railroad commissioners, shall be paid when due to said supervisor, upon
his indorsement as supervisor, in the same manner and to the same effect
as if indorsed by said railroad commissioners.