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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Port Jervis community development agency
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 15-B, TITLE 15
§ 584. Port Jervis community development agency. A municipal urban
renewal agency, to be known as the Port Jervis community development
agency, is hereby established for the accomplishment of any or all of
the purposes specified in articles fifteen and fifteen-A of this chapter
and in accordance with article eighteen of the constitution of the state
of New York. It shall constitute a body corporate and politic, be
perpetual in duration and consist of not less than three and not more
than seven members. Three of the members, who shall be residents of Port
Jervis, shall be appointed by the mayor to serve for one, two and three
year terms, respectively. Of the remaining members, two shall be
selected from the majority of the city council to serve at its pleasure,
and two shall be selected from the minority of the city council to serve
at its pleasure. The agency shall have the powers and duties now or
hereafter conferred by article fifteen-A of this chapter upon municipal
renewal agencies. It shall be organized in the manner prescribed by and
be subject to the provisions of article fifteen-A of this chapter and
the agency, its members, officers and employees and its operations and
activities shall in all respects be governed by the provisions of such