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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Commencing the proceeding
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 17-A, TITLE 2
§ 751. Commencing the proceeding. 1. Two or more local government
entities, whether within the same county or different counties, may be
consolidated into a single local government entity if each of the local
government entities is contiguous to at least one of the other
consolidating local government entities and if together the local
government entities would form a consolidated local government entity of
a kind or class that is authorized under the laws of the state of New
York. The requirement that local government entities be contiguous to
consolidate does not apply to entities other than towns and villages.

2. Consolidation proceedings may be commenced by either:

(a) a joint resolution by the governing body or bodies of the local
government entities to be consolidated endorsing a proposed joint
consolidation agreement; or

(b) elector initiative.