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Referendum resolution for consolidation of towns or villages
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 17-A, TITLE 2
§ 755. Referendum resolution for consolidation of towns or villages.
1. If a joint consolidation agreement calls for the consolidation of two
or more towns, two or more villages or one or more towns and villages,
then contemporaneous with the final approval of the joint consolidation
agreement pursuant to subdivision three of section seven hundred
fifty-four of this title, the governing body or bodies of the local
government entities to be consolidated shall enact a resolution calling
for a referendum on the proposed consolidation by the electors in each
of the entities.

2. The resolution calling for the referendum on the proposed
consolidation shall:

(a) provide (i) the name of each of the towns and/or villages proposed
to be consolidated, (ii) a statement fully describing the territory to
be included within the proposed consolidated local government entity,
(iii) the name of the proposed consolidated local government entity, and
(iv) the date for the referendum, in accordance with subdivision one of
section seven hundred fifty-eight of this title;

(b) state the substance of the question to be submitted to the
electors; and

(c) set forth such other matters as may be necessary to call, provide
for and give notice of the referendum and to provide for the conduct
thereof and the canvass of the returns thereupon.

3. The resolution calling for a referendum on the proposed
consolidation shall have attached to it the final approved version of
the joint consolidation agreement.