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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Certain contracts of parents or guardians respecting employment of infants not enforceable unless approved
General Obligations (GOB) CHAPTER 24-A, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 1
§ 3-107. Certain contracts of parents or guardians respecting
employment of infants not enforceable unless approved. Where a contract
providing for performance or rendering of services by an infant is one
which the supreme court or surrogate's court has jurisdiction to approve
as provided in section 3-105 of this chapter, no parent or guardian of
the infant with respect to whose services the contract is made shall,
unless the contract is so approved, be liable on the contract either as
a party or as a guarantor of its performance:

1. If the infant was a resident of the state at the time the contract
was made or at the time of the event by reason of which liability is
sought to be imposed, by reason of any disaffirmance, repudiation or
breach of the contract or any term thereof, or any failure or refusal of
the infant to perform, or

2. In any other case, by reason of any failure or refusal of the
infant to perform or render services required or permitted by the
contract to be performed or rendered in this state or any failure or
refusal of the parent or guardian to cause such services to be rendered
or performed.