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This entry was published on 2018-10-05
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New York city routes
Highway (HAY) CHAPTER 25, ARTICLE 12-B
§ 349-f. New York city routes. The following existing or proposed main
routes or thoroughfares, are designated herein, as aforesaid, viz.:

New England thruway from the Westchester county line to Bruckner
expressway; Bruckner expressway from New England thruway to Robert F.
Kennedy bridge approach; Hutchinson river parkway from the Westchester
county line to the Bronx-Whitestone bridge approach; Bronx river parkway
from the Westchester county line to Bruckner expressway; Henry Hudson
parkway from the Westchester county line to Miller highway excepting the
Henry Hudson bridge, provided that no portion of this route from West
Seventy-second street to the Cross Bronx expressway shall be constructed
or reconstructed so as to encroach in any way on or over any land mapped
or used for park purposes except for such temporary encroachment of no
more than ten feet in width from seventy-third street to seventy-sixth
street as may be essential during and for the purpose of reconstruction
or repair of the existing roadway following which there shall be full
restoration of park land; Major Deegan expressway from the Robert F.
Kennedy bridge to Central Park avenue at the Westchester county line
together with a connection to Broadway and along Broadway to Manhattan
college parkway; Cross Bronx expressway from George Washington bridge
approach to Throgs Neck bridge; Throgs Neck expressway from Bruckner
expressway to Throgs Neck bridge; Arthur V. Sheridan expressway from
Cross-Bronx expressway to Bruckner expressway; Mosholu parkway from
Henry Hudson parkway to Bronx river parkway; Bronx and Pelham parkway
from Bronx river parkway to New England thruway; Boston road from Bronx
and Pelham parkway to New England thruway; Miller highway from Henry
Hudson parkway to the Hugh L. Carey tunnel; and from Hugh L. Carey
tunnel to Brooklyn-Queens expressway; Franklin D. Roosevelt drive from
the Hugh L. Carey tunnel to Robert F. Kennedy bridge approach; Harlem
river drive from Robert F. Kennedy bridge approach to George Washington
bridge approach; Belt parkway including Gowanus parkway to Third avenue
and Sixtieth street, Leif Erikson drive to Knapp street, Shore parkway,
Belt parkway, Southern parkway and Cross Island parkway from Hugh L.
Carey tunnel to Bronx-Whitestone bridge approach; Nassau expressway from
Southern parkway to the Nassau county line; Brooklyn-Queens expressway
from Gowanus expressway to Grand Central parkway; Prospect expressway
from Gowanus expressway to Ocean parkway; Ocean parkway from Prospect
expressway to Shore parkway; Interborough parkway from Grand Central
Parkway to Belt parkway; Gowanus expressway from the Verrazzano-Narrows
bridge to Third avenue at Gowanus parkway; Third Avenue from Gowanus
expressway to Hamilton avenue; Hamilton Avenue from Third Avenue to Hugh
L. Carey tunnel; Queens boulevard from Queensborough bridge approach to
Van Wyck expressway; Van Wyck expressway from Whitestone expressway,
including a connection to Grand Central parkway, to John F. Kennedy
international airport; Woodhaven boulevard from Queens boulevard to
Cross Bay parkway bridge northerly approach; Cross Bay parkway from
Cross Bay bridge southerly approach to Short Front parkway; Shore Front
parkway from Cross Bay parkway generally along the shore line of the
Atlantic ocean to the Nassau expressway at the Nassau county line;
Queens-Midtown expressway from Queens-Midtown tunnel approach to Queens
Boulevard; Horace Harding expressway from Queens Boulevard to the Nassau
county line; a connection between Brooklyn-Queens expressway and
Northern boulevard in the vicinity of Grand Central parkway; Grand
Central parkway from Robert F. Kennedy bridge approach to Nassau county
line; Whitestone expressway from Bronx-Whitestone bridge approach to Van
Wyck expressway and continuing to Grand Central parkway; Clearview
expressway from Throgs Neck bridge to Nassau expressway; Richmond
parkway from Staten Island expressway to Outerbridge crossing approach;
Staten Island expressway from Goethals bridge to the Verrazzano-Narrows
bridge with a connection to Bayonne bridge; Willowbrook parkway from
Staten Island expressway to Great Kills park; West Shore expressway from
Staten Island expressway to Outerbridge crossing; Shore Front drive
northerly from the terminus of West Shore expressway at Staten Island
expressway, thence generally along the shore lines of Kill Van Kull, the
Narrows, Lower New York bay and Raritan bay to the approach to
Outerbridge crossing.