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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Repair of highways at railroad crossings
§ 51. Repair of highways at railroad crossings. Whenever a highway
crosses a railroad track at grade and such grade crossing is out of
repair, if it is the judgment of the commissioner of transportation, the
board of supervisors of a county, the board of aldermen of a city, the
board of trustees of a village or the town superintendent of highways of
a town that the same should be repaired, the commissioner of
transportation, the board of supervisors of a county, the board of
aldermen of a city, the board of trustees of a village or the town
superintendent of a town may repair and maintain the same and charge the
expense thereof to the railroad company over whose railroad such
crossing is repaired and maintained, if after fifteen days' notice in
writing such railroad company neglects or refuses to repair the same.