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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Allotment of lands
§ 95. Allotment of lands. The chiefs or head men of the Tuscarora
nation of Indians in the county of Niagara, in council, shall allot and
set apart for any Indian or Indian family, making application and not
possessing land, so much of the tribal lands as they shall deem
reasonable and just; and no tribal lands shall be appropriated by any
Indian to his own use, without such consent and allotment. Such chiefs,
in council, may appoint a clerk, who shall enter in a book kept for that
purpose, every allotment of tribal lands, set apart for any Indian or
Indian family, and of the part thereof from which such Indian or family
may sell timber and trees, and of the part he is permitted to clear for
the purposes of cultivation.