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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Withdrawal of any policy form
Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE 31
§ 3110. Withdrawal of any policy form. (a) Whenever by the provisions
of this chapter the superintendent is authorized to give approval of any
form of insurance policy or contract, the superintendent may, after
notice and hearing given to the insurer that submitted such form for
approval, withdraw an approval previously given, if the use of such form
is contrary to the requirements applicable to such form at the time of
such withdrawal. Any such withdrawal shall be effective at the
expiration of such period, not less than ninety days after the giving of
notice of withdrawal, as the superintendent shall in such notice

(b) Whenever by the provisions of this chapter an insurer may use a
policy form without obtaining the prior approval of the superintendent,
the superintendent may, after notice and hearing given to the insurer,
order the insurer to cease using such policy form, if the use of such
form is contrary to the requirements applicable to such form at the time
of the effective date of such order. Any such order shall be effective
at the expiration of such period, not less than ninety days after the
giving of a notice of cessation, as the superintendent shall in such
notice prescribe.