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Arbitration; judicial review
Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE 43
§ 4315. Arbitration; judicial review. (a) Any dispute arising between
a hospital service corporation or health service corporation subject to
the provisions of this article and any hospital with which such
corporation has a contract for hospitalization may, pursuant to an
agreement to that effect in the contract or by subsequent mutual
agreement of the parties, be submitted to the commissioner of health for
his decision with respect thereto. Any such decision, pursuant to the
terms of such submission, shall have the effect of an arbitration award
under the provisions of the civil practice law and rules.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, all orders
of the superintendent and all final orders or decisions of the
commissioner of health made under the provisions of this article shall
be subject to judicial review as provided in section three hundred eight
of the financial services law.