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This entry was published on 2015-07-31
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Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE 5
§ 501. Definitions. For purposes of this article:

(a) "Certificate" or "certificate of insurance" means any document or
instrument, or addendum thereto no matter how titled or described,
prepared or issued by an insurer or insurance producer as evidence of
property/casualty insurance coverage. "Certificate" or "certificate of
insurance" shall not include a policy of insurance or an insurance

(b) "Certificate holder" means any person, other than a policyholder,
that is identified on the certificate as a certificate holder.

(c) "Insurance producer" has the meaning ascribed to it by subsection
(k) of section two thousand one hundred one of this chapter.

(d) "Insurer" means any person "doing an insurance business" within
the meaning of this chapter.

(e) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation,
association, or other entity, but shall not include any governmental
entity, or any agency, board, bureau, commission, department, division,
institution, office, or public authority of a state, federal or foreign

(f) "Governmental entity" means any public entity as defined in
paragraph fifty-one of subsection (a) of section one hundred seven of
this chapter, any state authority as defined in subdivision one of
section two of the public authorities law, any local authority as
defined in subdivision two of section two of the public authorities law,
and any interstate or international authority as defined in subdivision
three of section two of the public authorities law and any individual
acting in his or her capacity as an employee, officer, or elected
official of any such governmental entity.

(g) "Policyholder" means a person who has contracted with an insurer
for property/casualty insurance coverage.

(h) "Property/casualty insurance" means a kind of insurance that is
either a basic kind of insurance or a non-basic kind of insurance, as
such terms are defined in section four thousand one hundred one of this
chapter, but shall not include a kind of insurance specified under
paragraph three or thirty-one of subsection (a) of section one thousand
one hundred thirteen of this chapter.