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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Records kept by special deputy clerks shall be part of records of supreme court
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 5
§ 153. Records kept by special deputy clerks shall be part of records
of supreme court. The minutes of the part or term of the supreme court
to which any of the special deputy clerks appointed as provided in
section one hundred and two of this chapter, is assigned by the justices
of the appellate division of the supreme court in the first department,
or by the presiding justice thereof, kept by him and the records kept by
the supreme court jury clerk in the first judicial district, shall be a
part of the records of the supreme court.

The minutes and records kept by the special deputy clerks to the clerk
of the county containing a city having a population of not less than
three hundred thousand and not more than one million wholly within the
county shall be part of the records of the supreme court.