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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appointment of calendar clerk for Dutchess county in the ninth judicial district
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 5
§ 158-a. Appointment of calendar clerk for Dutchess county in the
ninth judicial district. The justices of the supreme court for the
ninth judicial district, or the majority of them, may appoint and may at
pleasure remove a calendar clerk in and for the county of Dutchess. No
person shall be eligible to such appointment unless he shall be a
resident elector of the county of Dutchess. His qualifications and
fitness for the office shall be determined and approved by the justices
making the appointment. He shall have charge of all the calendars of the
supreme court in and for said county and shall be governed by and have
such powers as are provided by the rules and/or regulations adopted from
time to time in accordance with statute. The board of supervisors of
Dutchess county shall fix the salary of such clerk and may authorize him
to employ within the appropriations made by said board, such clerical
force or other assistants as it shall determine.