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Care and management of court law libraries
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 21
§ 814. Care and management of court law libraries. 1. Each court law
library shall be under the care and management of the chief
administrator of the courts. Each shall have a board of trustees, which
shall consist of four members, all of whom shall be residents of the
county in which the library is located, and who shall be appointed by
the chief administrator in accordance with this section. The chair of
the board shall be a justice of the supreme court or, if no justice
resides in the county, a judge of the county court, family court or of
the surrogate's court of the county. Of the remaining members of the
board, one shall be an attorney who has been admitted to the practice of
law in this state; one shall be a member of the board of supervisors or
other legislative body of the county in which the library is located, or
in the case of a county wholly contained within a city, of the
legislative body of such city, and one member shall be appointed upon
the recommendation of the president of the county bar association. In
addition to the four members of each board of trustees provided for
hereinabove, the chief administrator of the courts may, in his
discretion, appoint such other members as he deems appropriate. The
members of the board shall serve without pay for a term of two years and
shall be eligible to be reappointed to successive terms of office.
Membership on a board of trustees shall terminate whenever a member
ceases to be a resident of the county, or ceases to hold public office
if the holding of such public office was required at the time of such
member's appointment to the board. A vacancy shall be filled for the
unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.

2. Each board of trustees shall provide the chief administrator with
such assistance as he or she shall require in maintaining and operating
the court law library.

3. In the event of any change in the designation of a court law
library for the purpose of receiving materials transmitted pursuant to
paragraph c of subdivision four of section one hundred two of the
executive law, the chief administrator shall cause the previously
designated library within such judicial district to transfer all such
materials in its possession to the newly designated library.

4. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the supreme court
library in borough of Brooklyn nor to the supreme court library at
Buffalo until April first, nineteen hundred ninety-four. Such libraries
are continued as court law libraries under the provisions of this
article effective April first, nineteen hundred ninety-four.