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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 21-A
§ 849-e. Funding. 1. The chief administrator may accept and disburse
from any public or private agency or person, any money for the purposes
of this article.

2. The chief administrator may also receive and disburse federal funds
for purposes of this article, and perform services and acts as may be
necessary for the receipt and disbursement of such federal funds.

(a) A grant recipient may accept funds from any public or private
agency or person for the purposes of this article.

(b) The state comptroller, the chief administrator and their
authorized representatives, shall have the power to inspect, examine and
audit the fiscal affairs of the program.

(c) Centers shall, whenever reasonably possible, make use of public
facilities at free or nominal cost.