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This entry was published on 2024-02-09
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Hope cards
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 22-B
* § 858. Hope cards. 1. As used in this section, "hope card" shall
mean either:

(a) a digital image of the final order of protection as issued in
court, delivered via text message, email or other electronic
communication; or

(b) a durable, wallet-sized physical card that contains a summary of
information about a final order of protection.

2. The office of court administration shall develop a program to issue
a hope card to any party protected by a final order of protection. The
program shall allow protected parties to request a hope card at the time
a final order of protection has been issued while in court, and the
ability to apply at a later date. A hope card shall be provided at no
cost to a protected party. For the purposes of determining whether
reasonable cause for an arrest exists under paragraph (b) of subdivision
four of section 140.10 of the criminal procedure law, a hope card shall
have the same effect as a copy of an underlying order of protection in
indicating the prior issuance of such an order.

3. The wallet-sized, physical hope card shall contain a summary of the
order of protection, including:

(a) the name and date of birth of the primary protected party and any
other protected parties;

(b) the name and date of birth of the individual restrained;

(c) the issuing court and judge;

(d) the docket or dockets, case or cases or indictment number or
indictment numbers for the relevant case or cases, and the final order
number; and

(e) the date of issuance and expiration of the final order.

4. Any protected party may elect to receive a hope card:

(a) in digital form, delivered via text message, email or other
electronic communication;

(b) in physical form, printed on a durable, wallet-sized card; or

(c) both.

5. Applications for hope cards shall be made accessible in an online
portal developed and maintained by the office of court administration,
as well as a paper form to be made available at any court with
jurisdiction to issue an order of protection.

* NB Effective October 23, 2024