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This entry was published on 2023-07-07
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§ 1006. Funding. The department shall identify and leverage any
available funds as necessary, including any private funds provided for
the purpose of supporting this article, which may be used to subsidize
the New York youth jobs connector program. The department may further
identify any private or not-for-profit entities which currently provide
job placement or training services, or other services described in
section one thousand five of this article, whether as the entity's
primary purpose or coincidental to such entities' operations. Such
entities may include, but not be limited to, boys and girls clubs, local
or state-wide affiliated young persons' organizations, and employer
associations. The department may, to the extent practicable, contract
with such entities for the explicit purpose of using their membership or
staff to directly seek out and notify unemployed youths between the ages
of sixteen and twenty-four years about the New York youth jobs connector
program and the services offered thereunder.