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This entry was published on 2024-01-19
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Information about assistance programs
§ 540. Information about assistance programs. The commissioner shall
establish procedures whereby each person who files a claim for
unemployment insurance pursuant to section five hundred ninety-six of
this article, shall receive information about the supplemental nutrition
assistance program provided by the office of temporary and disability
assistance pursuant to subdivision six of section ninety-five-a of the
social services law, the special supplemental nutrition program for
women, infants and children provided by the department of health under
section twenty-five hundred seven of the public health law, and the
utility assistance and rental and mortgage assistance programs available
through the division of housing and community renewal and the office of
temporary and disability assistance. The commissioner shall also provide
information about such programs on the department's website. Such
information shall be prominently displayed and easily accessible by
individuals filing a claim or certifying for unemployment benefits.